
stop, play-boy-kun // diabolik lovers x male!reade

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[Name] stared boredly at his bento, a thousand thoughts on his mind: Stpid boss is stronger than two years ago. Events don't help at all. Even +11 weapon is shit. This game is shit... but I'm not going to stop playing it. Its tactics and that weird order of skills is different every time I finally find a group to kill that piece of--
"Hey, [Name]-chaaan!"
Said male jumped, loud 'nya' escaping his lips. Stupid habit. His half-closed eyes landed on the person brave enough to distract him. Ah, yes. He wasn't really surprised when he spotted Laito, perverted play-boy, as [Name] liked to call him.
"What?" he finally asked, annoyed as hell. Stupid piece of trash would often disturb him during lunch.
"Just wanted to ask if you want to eat dinner at my manor tonight." Raito smiled - ah, no, scratch that - smirked, confident about himself. He knew how the short boy loved food, especially Pocky, and rich brats sleep on money, so big dinner was nothing new. He leaned a little, hands in pockets, fedora perefctly adding 'handsome points'. "So?"
[Name]'s cheeks decorated light pink and uncontrolled grin found its way onto his face. He started quickly nodding his head, letting his 'dork side' come out. "Yes, thank you, Play-boy-kun!" Then he stopped. "But I have a lot of studying..."
"We both know you won't do it, darling." Shit. True. "And we can always study at my place." Give [Name] a spoon to rip off Laito's shit-eating grin. "After school, OK? See you!" And the pervert left.
[Name] could only mumble, "What did I get myself into?"


He wasn't surprised when Laito hooked up his arm with him. He wasn't surprised when he saw a limousine. But he was surprised when he saw five hot guys. Like, wow. He wasn't the straighest, alright? Okay, maybe he wasn't straight at all. But his poor heart was going to run away. And their voices. Holy shit. Is that manor some kind of a magic paradise?
[Name] bowed and greeted them quietly, trying to hide his growing blush. He straightened up, grinned nervously and hid behind Laito. They could probably hear his rapid heartbeat.
"Hey, Teddy. Isn't he cute?" was the first thing he heard from one of the brothers. Purple-head came closer and grabbed [Name]'s hand, while the other one tightly hugged his adorable weird teddy bear ([Name] finally found a person a little bit taller than him but still short!) "After dinner we will play, right, [Name]-chan?"
[Name] sent Laito a glare, while nodding slowly at boy's request.
"Um, sorry... but... how do you know my name? Did Play-boy-kun--" A cough and a short laugh from one of the brothers. "I mean-- Did Laito-kun tell you? Like, all of you about me, not even introducing me to you?"
"Ah, I forgooot." Bitch. "The one with glasses is Rei. The white one is Subaru, red - Ayato, purple - Kanato, and the blonde one is Shu."
"But now, let's go eat, shall we?" Laito clapped, frightening the poor boy even more.


"Where's Bitch-chan?"
"Yui is sick."*
Ayato shrugged. "Now she won't be so good, so I guess we can give her some rest."
[Name] ate silently, trying not to listen. He just hoped he didn't get himself into harem. Oh, goooood. Please no.
He looked at Kanato, who just finished 'feeding' Teddy and turned his head to face his new friend. He smiled and stood up, walking over to [Name].
"I'm going to play with [Name]-chan now."
Laito crossed his arms. "No way! [Name] has to take a bath!"
"What? Laito, but--"
"Nu-uh. Kanato will give you his clothes. You're staying here."
"I didn't take anything..."
"I'll give you everything."**
"Don't you 'but' me." Laito smirked. "You live alone, right? So it won't be a problem."
"...Okay, hope you have comfy beds."
"Great! I'll leave you a towel and clothes in the bathroom! Now, come with me."
Kanato pouted, bringing Teddy closer to his chest. "I want to play with [Name]-chan."
"You will have time tomorrow. Sunday is a great time for us, students." Laito let a happy sigh go past his lips.


"Can I join you?"
"Mhm... I see... What about now?"
"Play-boy-kun! Never, you shit."
"Alright, alright. Just call if you change your mind."
"Because that's going to happen..."


"WHY DID KANATO-KUN GIVE ME A DRESS?" could be heard from the bathroom.
All of the brothers looked at the shortest boy - who was eating a cheesecake - excpecting him to talk. All they got was just a shrug and a shit-eating smile.
*they probably wouldnt really care if yui was sick (who am i kidding, they would. i just dont like her)
**that rhymed

just some weird fic i wrote for the sake of my poor and sucking english Llama Emoji-08 (Crying) [V1] 
yeah, practice
some bad language but its me
i often use bad language when im writing a story
and i always have to add a character that uses it a lot too :'3

if you see a mistake, tell me please
i need to know my mistakes
i really really do
im just sick and i have to go to school anyway so to cheer myself up i wrote this shit >v<

and i might write a sequel?
i felt like posting it because i think its done even though its not Oikawa Looks Icon 
© 2015 - 2024 Choccobella
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Blizzardwinds's avatar
It's Pretty good english. Even some people who speak English as their first language mess up a lot.